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    Grèce: l’interprétation de Kouvelakis de la mise au placard de Varoufakis

    Grèce international Kouvelakis

    Lien publiée le 29 avril 2015

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    Ces articles de la rubrique « Ailleurs sur le web » sont publiés à titre d'information et n'engagent pas la Tendance CLAIRE.


    I would urge all those who see the Syriza experience with a minimum of good faith, which is not only compatible but actually requires criticism, lucidity and vigilance, not to make judgments too hastily concerning the reshuffling of the Greek negociation team.
    The fact that Euclid Tsakalotos's role has become more important shouldn't be interpreted as a softening of the government's position. Actually, the "discrete" Tsakalotos is a staunch (not an "erratic") Marxist, and has always been positioned in the left of the majority bloc of Syriza (which has been now reformed as the 'initiative of the 53'). He is not in favour of exiting the euro but has always defended a line of firm rupture with austerity and considered default on the debt as a serious option.
    Even in his most recent statements, he said that a "rift" is an option if the negociations fail and has admitted that a fundamental mistake was made in the February 20 agreement, which doesn't provide any guarrantee concerning the supply of liquidity to Greece, a point also made by Tsipras in his live tv interview yesterday. In the same interview Tsipras didn't rule out the possibility of a referendum in case of a "blockage" of the negociations, and, as everyone knows, the sheer mention of the word "referendum" is considered as a war declaration by the EU.
    In any case, people should be judged according to their deeds. 
    The days and weeks, at most, ahead are crucial, and of deeds there will be plenty.