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    Message de Kouvelakis: vers la liquidation de l’aile gauche de Syriza ?


    Lien publiée le 12 juillet 2015

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    Ces articles de la rubrique « Ailleurs sur le web » sont publiés à titre d'information et n'engagent pas la Tendance CLAIRE.

    Les chiens de garde de Tsipras aboient et menacent de purger l'aile gauche de Syriza : tous ceux qui exprimeront des critiques seront liquidés. Un nouveau mémorandum exigerait en effet une nouvelle majorité 


    Avalanche of statements by the most rightist figures of government and of Syriza (economy minister Stathakis, inner revenue deputy minister Mardas, MEP Papadimoulis) asking openly for a reshuffling of the government and the expulsion of Zoe Kostantopoulou, Panagiotis Lafazanis and of Syriza's left wing.
    Mardas, a former Pasok expert, very close to the "modernizer" former PM Costas Simitis, made ironic comments about Kostantopoulou and Lafazanis being "lost in space" and attacking them for being inspired by Guevara and Rosa Luxemburg (obviously a supreme insult for him).
    In its editorial today, Avghi, Syriza's daily paper controlled by the rightist wing of the party, goes even further asking for snap elections and a "recomposition of the governmental majority".
    Meanwhile, Stavros Theodorakis, the leader of Potami, EU's and big business Trojan horse, behaves like a minister-in-waiting, while the leaders of New Democracy and Pasok as constituent parts of a new "pro-agreement" majority.
    The 251 votes in Parliament in favour of the proposed agreement can be seen as the accelerator for major political realignments. Let's also remind that in the vote the government lost control of its own majority, with 17 Syriza MPs not voting the proposal, in various ways and 15 more issuing a statement expressing their political solidarity with those rejecting and agreement and warning that they would not vote the forthcoming Memorandum.