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    Par Tendance CLAIRE (17 juin 2011)
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    In short

    Militants of the CLAIRE tendancy are struggling for NPA to develop a consitent revolutionary program and defend it among workers and youth. (CLAIRE means "clarity" (of the political line) and is also an acronym for Communism, Self-organised struggle, Internationalism and Revolution.) Indeed, we believe the ambiguities of the NPA paralyze it since its foundation. The NPA is anti-capitalist, but has not clearly defined a strategy to transform society. In daily activism, our party lacks priorities, and in its discourse it fails to convince. In particular, confronted with the strengthening of the Front de Gauche (Left Front), the NPA leadership has failed and refused to criticize JL Mélenchon's false solutions. Within the NPA, the CLAIRE tendancy tried from the beginning to form with other comrades a broad revolutionary tendency, able to become the majority. We think it is more necessary than ever, given the crisis of the NPA and the historic offensive against the working class.

    > See details in the french version

    > A diagram to keep in mind different positions within NPA

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