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    Par Tendance CLAIRE (17 juin 2011)
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    Tendance CLAIRE (for Communism, Self-Organized, Internationalist and Revolutionary Struggle) is a political group that fights for the establishment of a workers' government in order to accomplish a revolution that will lead to a communist society, free from classes, State and oppressions.

    The TC claims to be revolutionary marxist, opposed to reformism as well as stalinism and its different variations (maoism, castroism, etc.). It claims in particular, but not exclusively, the heritage of the strategic elaborations of Marx, Engels, Luxembourg, Lenin, Trotsky and the supporters of the Fourth International. Such a lineage cannot justify dogmatism, but involves the criticism of this same heritage and the regular updating of its conclusions.

    The TC intends to participate, with or alongside other political organizations, in the analysis of ever-new historical situations, in programmatic and strategic enrichment, in particular by integrating the contributions of anti-capitalist ecology, radical feminism, political anti-racism, movements which enable the self-organization and self-emancipation of the oppressed, as well as the animal rights movement.

    For the TC, these various developments and theories must merge into the constitution of a mass revolutionary party, a necessary tool to gain political and cultural hegemony and to lead the workers and the oppressed to victory against the capitalist system and its States.

    The TC expresses itself through its publications, in particular on its website, on social networks, and through public speaking. It offers analyses and orientations to intervene in the political situation. Unlike most other organizations that claim to be revolutionary marxists, the TC defends democratic principles in all circumstances and functions as such (open debates, votes, elections, mandates, rights and respect for minorities, right to self-organization of the oppressed, attention given to a healthy and benevolent atmosphere in the organization, etc.). For the TC, democracy is not an extra touch or mere formalism, but an integral part of the revolutionary program for emancipation.

    The members of Tendance CLAIRE are active union members in their respective industries and/or in various organizations which defend similar perspectives on a broader scale. In addition, they are now part of La France insoumise (LFI), participating in the action groups and campaigns of this organization, while defending their own ideas and proposals. Indeed, this organization is certainly reformist, but it opposes the bourgeois left (PS, EELV...) which had killed "classic" reformism, it has a clear orientation of breaking with the neo-liberal and social-liberal policies carried out since 1982, it has adopted the great ecological, feminist, anti-racist and anti-islamophobic causes, it is concerned with establishing itself in working-class neighborhoods, it has saved the honor of the left by supporting, despite all the slanders, the Palestinian resistance, etc. We refuse to put an equal sign between LFI and the rest of the so-called established left, to the extent that the arrival of LFI in power would lead to a confrontation with capital, thus opening up new “bottom up” opportunities in the field the class struggle. In 2022 already, the TC campaigned for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, but while criticising LFI’s program L’Avenir en commun. In June-July 2024, it gave its critical support to the New Popular Front and published an analysis of its reformist program. Generally speaking, the TC believes that revolutionaries have a duty to support all measures, all actions and all steps forward which enable to advance the progresses of the workers and the oppressed, and which give them confidence in their own strength (or sometimes simply to avoid setbacks, as when it was necessary to pull out all the stops to prevent the RN from coming to power). At the same time, there is no question of giving up the criticism of reformist illusions and institutional dead ends, it’s about defending revolutionary ideas in all circumstances. Furthermore, we are in favor of LFI getting "proletarianized" by establishing itself in the workplaces and participating in the essential reconstruction of the labour movement. Finally, we want LFI to stop being a "gaseous movement" and become a democratic party allowing not only the expression of everyone in the rank and file and the expression of minorities, but also the dissemination of ideas and proposals throughout the organization and decision-making by majority mandates.

    You can see a history of Tendance CLAIRE as a tendency of the NPA here.

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