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Grèce: Antarsya mobilise contre tout accord avec la Troika

Grèce international

Lien publiée le 25 juin 2015

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Antarsya appellait à manifester ce jeudi soir à Athènes ; premières photos de la mobilisation :


Antarsya appelle les forces vives de Syriza, du KKE, des syndicats, à unir leurs forces pour empêcher tout accord avec la Troïka. Une nouvelle manifestation aura lieu dimanche, qui pourrait être le jour où le parlement serait appelé à voter sur le nouveau mémorandum


Antarsya (Greek Anti Capitalist Left) statement calling for demonstrations on Sunday and tomorrow night gathering in Propylaia - the square opposite the university where Alexis Tsipras gave his victory speech in the early hours of 26 January.
Assemble 1900 hrs tomorrow evening - Thursday 25 June - and again on Sunday in Syntagma Square, where it is possible the Greek parliament may by then be in emergency session to pass a deal should it be struck:
"All forces of the movement, the Communist Party, the fighting forces of Syriza, the entire left should actively be present at the demonstrations, to develop in every way opposition and pressure not to pass this agreement."
Every serious initiative from the left should enjoy support from the whole of the left. And we need a left which can take serious initiatives.It was so right to be in Propylaia five months ago almost to the exact day to celebrate the victory of the left. For anyone on the left now to collapse into a heap at the first whiff of adverse fire or to close their eyes and pretend that the barrage is not happening would be a mockery. You want the society and the popular masses to fight? You must first give battle yourself.