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    La collection Raya Dunayevskaya


    Lien publiée le 20 août 2015

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    Ces articles de la rubrique « Ailleurs sur le web » sont publiés à titre d'information et n'engagent pas la Tendance CLAIRE.


    Lorsque Raya Dunayevskaya fit don de ses archives à l’Université d’Etat de Wayne, elle demanda à organiser elle-même sa collection et à ce que l’accès en soit ouvert à tous. Le nouveau sitehttp://rayadunayevskaya.org/ présente désormais en ligne cette collection, pendant que le site du journal qu’elle avait fondé, News & Letters, a mis en ligne ses 60 ans d’archives.

    Cette collection, avec plus de 17.000 pages, constitue une ressource de premier ordre. On y trouve, par exemple, des correspondances avec Natalia Trotsky, Jean Malaquais, Maximilen Rubel, Onorato Damen et G. Munis.


    Yoshimasa Yukiyama, Raya Dunayevskaya et Charles Denby (1969)


    PART ONE: Birth and Development of State-Capitalist Theory

    Volume I 1941-1947 — Beginnings of State-Capitalist Theory (in the Workers Party)
    Volume II 1947-1951 — From the “Interim Period” to the Final Split from the Socialist Workers Party
    Volume III 1949-1955 — From the Miners’ General Strike to the East German Revolt; From the Appearance of Differences in the Johnson-Forest Tendency to the Historic Reemergence of Marx’s Humanism
    Appendix I Leon Trotsky: Letters, Conversations, Unpublished Documents

    PART TWO: Creation of Marxist-Humanism as Organization — News and Letters Committees — and as Theory for Our Age

    Volume IV 1955-1958 — Laying New Theoretical and Practical Foundations, Culminating in Marxism and Freedom, from 1776 Until Today
    Volume V 1959-1964 — The Emergence of a Third Afro-Asian, Latin American World and a New Generation of Revolutionaries Also in the U.S.
    Volume VI 1964-1968 — As Against Decadent Capitalism on the Rampage, New Stages of Mass Revolt
    Volume VII 1968-1973 — Objective Crises Compelling Theoretic Clarification of Revolution, Culminating in the Work Around Philosophy and Revolution
    Volume VIII 1973-1975 — Philosophy and Revolution as Book, as Characteristic of the Age
    Volume IX 1976-1978 — Forces of Revolution as Reason; Philosophy of Revolution as Force
    Volume X 1979-1981 — What is Philosophy? What is Revolution? How the Revolutions of Our Age Relate to Those Since Marx’s Age: Rosa Luxemburg, Women’s Liberation, and Marx’s Philosophy of Revolution
    Appendix II “Two Worlds” Columns by Raya Dunayevskaya, 1955-1981
    Volume XI 1981-1985 — Dialectics of Revolution: American Roots and World Humanist Concepts
    Volume XII Retrospective and Perspective — The Raya Dunayevskaya Collection, 1924-1986


    Volume XIII Raya Dunayevskaya’s Last Writings, 1986-1987 — Toward the Dialectics of Organization and Philosophy
    Volume XIV The Writing of Raya Dunayevskaya’s “Trilogy of Revolution,” 1953-83: The “Long, Hard Trek and Process of Development” of the Marxist-Humanist Idea
    Volume XV 1983-1985: From the Marx Centenary Year to Women’s Liberation and the Dialectics of Revolution, and from Reagan’s Invasion of Grenada to Raya Dunayevskaya’s Work on “Dialectics of Organization and Philosophy”

    Lettre manuscrite de Maximilien Rubel à Raya Dunayevskaya (1959)

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