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    Mobilisation à Kiev contre les opérations guerrières du gouvernement

    international Ukraine

    Lien publiée le 29 mai 2014

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    Ces articles de la rubrique « Ailleurs sur le web » sont publiés à titre d'information et n'engagent pas la Tendance CLAIRE.

    Kiev, May 28 (Navigator, Vladimir Raychenko) – “Cynicism of the authorities knows no bounds! Our sons are being sent to shoot at our families, paid for with our money” – such were the slogans of a picket that took place today by the Ministry of Interior building. The protesters demanded that the head of the police force carry out an impartial investigation of the incidents of people being shot by snipers on the Maidan as well as the bloody events in Odessa and the South-East.

    La suite: http://ukraineantifascistsolidarity.wordpress.com/2014/05/29/first-picket-against-the-war-in-the-donbas-took-place-in-kiev-pics/